Home / Design Beading Dealers Chennai

Design Beading Dealers Chennai

A bead is a woodworking decorative treatment applied to various elements of wooden furniture, … A bead is also an important design element in wood turning, a ring-shape or convex curve incised into a piece by the use of a chisel or skew.

DOOR BEADING: Made from wood, door beading is a seamless way to hold glass panels safely in position in entranceways or openings. Each option is sturdy enough to offer secure support, whilst being thin enough to sit discreetly within a design for an uncluttered effect.

Beading is a narrow strip of wood that is used for decorating or edging furniture and doors.A bead is a woodworking decorative treatment applied to various elements of wooden furniture, boxes and other items.

A bead is typically a rounded shape cut into a square edge to soften the edge and provide some protection against splitting. Beads can be simple round shapes, or more complex patterns.
